The heart of Babywearing International is the monthly chapter meetings that bring together local babywearers to learn and share, guided by Volunteer Babywearing Educators (VBEs) who have demonstrated experience with a wide variety of baby carriers and wearing techniques.
Meetings are always free to attend, and are open to all interested parents, guardians, and caregivers. Feel free to bring along children of any age, and yes, we welcome parents of every age and gender, grandparents, nannies, and anyone else who ever needs to hold an infant or young child while also getting anything else done!

At any of our regional subchapter meetings, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about proper positioning for safe, comfortable, and happy babywearing, to get help with any baby carriers you already own, and to try out many different wraps, slings, mei tais, SSCs and other types from our library of baby carriers. (More information about how meetings work is on our FAQ page.) Our members often try on - and even buy and sell - each other's personal carriers as well. And of course, you may make some new friends!
You can even borrow a carrier from our library to take home until the next meeting! For more information on that, see the SUPPORT US and FAQ pages.
Meeting Schedule
(View calendar below)
San Francisco ~ 4th Saturday ~ 3pm-5pm
Sports Basement, The Grotto Room
1590 Bryant Street (Mission District)
San Jose ~ 4th Tuesday ~ 6pm-8pm
Valley Health Center Downtown
777 E. Santa Clara St. Suite 2002
Berkeley ~ 3rd Saturday ~ 11am-1pm
Totland Park, corner of Virginia & McGee
(check Facebook or Calendar below in case of wet weather - our rain location is Epworth Methodist Church at
1953 Hopkins, Berkeley)
Campbell ~ 3rd Tuesday ~ 9:30am-11:30am
Sports Basement Community Room
1875 S. Bascom Ave (in the Pruneyard)
Sunnyvale ~ 2nd Tuesday ~ 10am-12pm
Sports Basement Summit Room
1177 Kern Ave
Union City ~ 2nd Sunday ~ 3pm-5pm
During Daylight Saving Time months:
Charles F Kennedy Park, 1333 Decoto Road
(check Facebook or Calendar below in case of rain)
During Standard Time months:
Connection Cafe Chiropractic Center,
3920 Smith Street
Annual Baywide Meeting & Party
Held each summer ~ Date and location varies
For the safety of our children, please do not bring any foods containing peanuts or other nuts to our meetings. Thank you!
Questions? See the links below to contact us,
or email any VBE (group leader).
Get to know our VBEs here.

Meeting and Event Calendar